Upcoming events

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Join us for Easter Sunday services in English and Spanish at 9AM and 11AM! We’ll be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ through song, the Word, and fellowship!

Acompáñenos a nuestros servicios de Pascua en inglés y español a las 9:00 y 11:00 a. m. Celebraremos la resurrección de Jesucristo con canciones, la Palabra y la comunión.

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Stand For Life Workshop

Stand For Life Workshop

Learn how to defend your unborn neighbor with compassion and engaging dialogue. We will cover hot-off-the-press news as well as the biblical perspective. You’ll learn how to solidify your own view, impact the culture, and gain resources for those hurt by abortion, along with live Q&A. Learn responses to the most current challenges from a gospel-centered approach.

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Married 4 Life Conference
to Feb 15

Married 4 Life Conference

Join us February 14th -15th for D.A. and Elicia Horton, authors of "Enter the ring", as they speak about how marriage is a fight that every married couple must be willing to engage in. In boxing, we must be ready to “enter the ring” and participate in the fight. There is no sitting on the sidelines and watching. We have to be actively fighting day in and day out to have gospel-centered marriages.


On February 14th, dinner is optional at 5 p.m. for a night of fun, food, and wisdom! Dessert, coffee, photo opportunities, and maybe a little dancing will follow. Come dressed for a great date night.


On February 15th, join us at 8:30 a.m. for continental breakfast and wisdom. Wear your new M4L shirt that will be provided.


REGULAR PRICE: $110 Per Couple | Add Ons: + $60 Candlelit Dinner + $$ Childcare 


PROMO DAY BUNDLE: $150 Per Couple on November 10 ONE DAY ONLY includes dinner

*Childcare $15 per child Friday, 5:00 p.m.- 9:30 p.m.


*Childcare $ 15 per child Saturday, 8:30 p.m.-11:30 a.m.

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Christmas Concert

Christmas Concert

Good News, Great Joy, All People

Sunday, December 15, 5 PM and & 7 PM

Share the great joy and good news of the birth of Jesus with your family and friends through this special KACC Christmas musical experience!

A time of fellowship and refreshments will follow each performance.

Children’s programming through age five is available at the 5 pm show.

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Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat

Join us for a fun-filled evening! Bring the whole family for an exciting time of candy, costumes, and community! Kids can enjoy trick-or-treating from car to car filled with sweet treats. We’ll also have games, music, and a lot of family-friendly fun! Along with a chance to win 4 passes to Knotts Berry Farm!

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Redeemed Women's Conference
to Sep 14

Redeemed Women's Conference

We will be having a women's conference on September 13th and 14th. The theme of our conference is redeemed; because we are redeemed, we can walk in our God-given identity and stand firm against spiritual evil. We will be hearing from some amazing women! Pam Young will talk to us about redemption, Ashley Zembower will share with us about identity, and Merea Price will bring a word on endurance. 

We are so excited to see God move at this conference and to hear what he would have to say through these women of God. 

We will kick off the night with a raffle at 7:30 pm!
The conference will wrap up around 8:40, but the fun will continue. We will be having dessert, coffee, and a wardrobe swap outdoors.


* There is no fee to participate in the wardrobe swap; however, if you would like to donate to House of Refuge, they will be taking cash and check donations. 


We love raffles, so we will kick off with another one on Saturday at 10:00 am! 

The conference will wrap up just in time for you to grab lunch with your girlfriends at noon. 

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Wild Ride Wednesdays
to Jul 17

Wild Ride Wednesdays

Jump on to an exciting ride with us this summer! Wild Ride Wednesdays will be from 6:30-8:30 p.m. with engaging lessons, fun games, yummy snacks and much, much more. 

Off-campus field trips: 

Elementary: Knott's Berry Farm, 6/12
Preschool - Kinder: Adventure City, 6/13

Wild Ride Wednesdays:

6/19, 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, 7/17

Special Guest at Wild Ride Wednesday:

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The Ave Men's Conference

The Ave Men's Conference

Men Ready for Battle: How Godly Men Go to War (II Corinthians 10:3-5)

As men, we are called to fight the things we face in life not as the world does but as God would have us by seeking Him in His Word, prayer, and fellowship with other men. Join us for this Men's Conference not only to have great grub with godly men but also to hear a powerful message from Pastor Albert Ramos (YTH & Young Adults Director) and Pastor John Furman (leader for Young at Heart).

$10 includes Breakfast. Let us know you're coming by registering below. The last day to register is by the end of May 28th.

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Holy Week
to Mar 31

Holy Week

Join us for Holy Week!

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95.9 FISH Women's Night Out

95.9 FISH Women's Night Out


95.9 The Fish presents Women's Night Out - Friday, March 1,2024.

Join us at Knott Avenue Church in Anaheim for an incredible Women's Night Out featuring Keynote Speaker Helen Smallbone and Praise and Worship by CCM Recording Artist Rebecca St. James.  If the name "Smallbone" seems familiar to you, then you probably know that Helen is the mother of Rebecca St. James and Luke and Joel Smallbone from the Christian Band For King and Country.

The upcoming feature film "Unsung Hero", coming to theaters this April, tells the story of the "Smallbone" family, their hardships and heartbreak as they adjusted to a new life in a new country with seven children.  The film is sure to leave you with the feeling that all things are possible through Christ.  But you can get a sneak peak and much more when you join us for Women's Night Out.

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Women's Breakfast

Women's Breakfast

Join us on February 10, 2024, from 8:30 am - 11:00 am for fellowship, breakfast, and a word from Cheryl Brodersen. Please submit your registration before February 4th, 2024. The cost will be $20 per person and $5 per child if childcare is needed. We look forward to a time of fellowship. If you prefer to pay cash, please register at the Next Steps.

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House of Refuge Workshop

House of Refuge Workshop

Have you been caught off guard in conversation when a pro-life/pro-choice issue comes up? Do you want to understand more about what the bible says, and how you can make a difference for life? Join us for the Real Talk Workshop, “How to be Pro-Life in a Messy World.” Get equipped to love our unborn neighbors in practical ways–even one conversation can save a life!

The most current pro-life issues will be covered, while giving you tools to have compassionate and effective conversations. The class is on Sunday Feb. 4th during second service in the Fellowship Hall – childcare/children’s ministry is available. It’s coming up soon! For ages junior high and up.

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” –1 Peter 3:15 

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Wild Card Saturday Breakfast

Wild Card Saturday Breakfast

Good grub, great guys, and growing in our awesome God.

Get challenged by Herb Peck, a retired Senior Executive over all of the Los Angeles US Postal Service, husband of 57 years, who has served the boards of multiple organizations.

Let us know you're coming by registering below with the $10 registration fee covering breakfast.

The last day to register is by the end of January 10th.

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Christmas Concerts
to Dec 17

Christmas Concerts

We invite you to attend either of our Christmas concerts at Knott Avenue Christian Church on Saturday, December 16, at 5:00-6:30 PM or Sunday, December 17, at 5:00-6:30 PM.
We will provide coffee & hot chocolate, a live nativity set with animals, and a shepherd. Hear the most incredible story ever told.

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Superheroes and Santa

Superheroes and Santa

As we just ended our global outreach for children with toy shoe boxes and the gospel, we are starting our local toy drive to serve our community. "Superheroes and Santa" is a fun outreach opportunity for not only our local kids to see us dress in superhero costumes (and Santa!), these kids will experience a glimpse of the joy of Jesus in this Christmas season. Families who attend will have opportunities to be prayed for and hear the gospel.

If you are interested in serving for our Superheroes and Santa Pantry, please register with the volunteer link below.

Also, interested in donating a toy for our local community? This coming Sunday, December 3 is the last Sunday people can donate a toy for the Superheroes and Santa Outreach, though you can still bring toys through Wednesday, December 6th.

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Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child

Every year people prayerfully fill shoeboxes with toys, school supplies, and personal care items for children in need around the world.

These special boxes are joyfully received by boys and girls from 2-14 years old, often as their first gift ever! Whether sending or receiving, those touched by Operation Christmas Child testify to the power of a gift-filled shoebox given in Jesus' Name.

If you are interested in serving by packing boxes for these children, please register using the link below.

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Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat

On Saturday, October 28th, KACC is hosting a safe and fun Halloween event for our community. We will have a 'Trunk or Treat + Costume Contest' with several decorated cars, lots of candy, games, food, music, and more!

Our Costume Contest will begin at 5:30 PM for all kids up to 6th grade. There will be AWESOME prizes for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners for best costume, with prizes valued between $50-400.

If you are interested in volunteering for this event. We would love your help to make this night special for everyone who comes through!

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S.H.A.P.E.D. Class

S.H.A.P.E.D. Class

God has uniquely gifted and S.H.A.P.E.D. each of us to make a difference for Him in this world.

By attending the S.H.A.P.E.D. class you will learn about your:

Spiritual Gifts
Heart Burdens that motivate you
Personality Style
Experiences you've had that God can use
Dedication to serve like Christ

How has God SHAPED you? Join us for this one-time class by registering below.

Childcare will be provided! Please indicate how many children you have so we can plan accordingly in the form below.

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IF: Gathering Conference 2023
to Sep 23

IF: Gathering Conference 2023

Knott Avenue will be hosting our first IF Gathering Women's Conference. The event will start on September 22 at 6:30 pm. We will begin the evening with dinner in the patio, then transition indoors for our conference time.  Together we will virtually hear from some amazing speakers, and along with that we will have group discussions in between sessions. To close the night, we will enjoy a delicious dessert and coffee under the stars. The morning of September 23rd will kick-off at 8:30 am with a continental breakfast. We will then continue our conference time and dismiss at 12:00 pm.   The cost of the conference is $45 which will cover your dinner, dessert, coffee and continental breakfast.

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Adult Co-Ed Volleyball League
to Oct 3

Adult Co-Ed Volleyball League

If you want to have some fun playing volleyball in a place where you'll also be encouraged about God's love for us, join us! Everyone you invite to join you will be on your team. There are no practices - show up for games on Sunday. We have an "A" league for our most advanced play for people with a good knowledge and handle on the skills of volleyball, a "B" league for people who are intermediate in their skill levels and a "C" league that is a recreation "Just for Fun" league. REGISTER BY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30th to guarantee your spot in the league.

A League Games - 2:00 & 3:00 pm

B League Games - 3:00 & 4:00 pm

C League Games - 5:00 pm

Note: The online payment registration will close Sunday, September 24.

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House of Refuge Prayer Walk

House of Refuge Prayer Walk

  • 400 North Harbor Boulevard Anaheim, CA, 92805 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

KACC House of Refuge, is hosting a prayer walk on Saturday, July 22, uniting believers from throughout Orange County to stand in the gap for the unborn and their families. This is a 2-hour event of unity and hope that is sure to change you. There will be worship, a powerful testimony, pregnancy center resources, prayer and a short message. All ages welcome.

House of Refuge is KACC's ministry to empower those who find themselves in an unplanned or crisis pregnancy to choose life through connecting them with local resource centers and creating a loving Christ-centered community for their family.

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to Jun 10


This year’s theme, inspired by 1 Corinthians 15, is Orthodoxy: Dispelling Counterfeits. Through extensive sessions, our speakers will focus on identifying the core tenets of orthodoxy (historic Christianity), how the orthodox worldview compares to others, why correctly understanding the Bible is essential, and the character and nature of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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Join us at our Engage Breakfast. Through Engage, you will be able to learn more about our church family and have the opportunity to take next steps.

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We are showing love to our community by providing food for families at our drive-thru food pantry. The pantry is open every other Thursday beginning at 12:00 pm while supplies last.

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